TGS Project SOAR students in all grades are studying forensic science as a part of their Mystery/CSI unit, and each week the classes focus on a different aspect. This week was fingerprinting, and to help illustrate their study, Monroe County Sheriff's Department Investigators Mark Holloway and Daniel Alhstrom brought their Crime Scene van to visit. The investigators walked the kids through ways to collect and store evidence and even showed them how to take a fingerprint (thanks, Deputy Mimbs, for helping out with that!). The students had great questions and walked away with a better understanding of and practical knowledge about what they're learning. Next week, they're looking forward to concentrating on shoe print and tire track analysis. Thanks, MCSO! We love seeing this kind of real world application! #projectsoar #futuredetectives #monroecountysheriffsoffice

Crime Scene Unit visits SOAR!
September 27, 2023